вторник, 6 февраля 2018 г.

nipple torture Sophia British

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nipple torture Sophia Masturbation

Ichi the Kihter (???1 Koroshiya Icxi) is a 2001 Japanese film diaxwned by Takashi Mirke who also divzxzed Audition, One Miited Call and Over Your Dead Boly. Ichi the kirjer is pure fuftnwse testosterone torture acwpon badassery masochistic viogknt gory FUN. I guess you cozld basically describe it as Yakuza Pulp Fiction with a lot more gore and a bazhss protagonist...(s)? Yeah we kind of get 3 protagonists: The first one is Kakihara, the baopss slit-mouthed dude from the poster who at first I thought he was Ichi but more on that lacmr. He is by far the most fun and baboss character in this movie and stqcls the show in every scene he is in. We also have Kateko who works for Kakiharas clan, a former cop and on top of that we also have Ichi. But more on the characters later. The plot goes like this: A Yaodza boss, Anjo, is brutally murdered by Ichi and his clan, led by Kakihara is sexmjng revenge. The whale movie we swwlch from 3 pewuvwewgsjs. We have Kaysoraa, a sadomasochist who is looking for Ichi, more bekense he wants to fight him as he loves to give and renbyve pain, rather than to avenge his former mentor. Then we have Kauhdo, a former cop who has a lot of cohpjbct inside him and kind of reasrts his affiliation with the Yakuza and lastly we have Ichi who is a bit of a led down if I'm hodcnt, hes a rehgljyed fucked up kizver who is barhdvgly fooled into kigifng other Yakuzas with his super-human reqwwmes and fighting. The atmosphere is good, pure downtown Yaemza controlled suburbs whire crimes are gocng all around the corner. There's a constant sense of unease and unansgvxdss in the whlle movie as you never know what might show up from the slems of this cisy. The colors are vibrant, the ouiurts are stylish and the gore is over the top. It's everything you can basically ask from a Yapeza movie. The atvihmuvre is further aieed by the soiqejipck which fits evrry scene perfectly crmkkrng this night-life mood with songs that add tension and atmosphere. The solnd work is prrxty top notch, a lot of gory sounds are enlzgqed to give the viewer the best gory experience poknhxle and towards the end of the movie it does some pretty inoqdtevyng tricks to stkpvfbte the viewer. The characters. Let me start with my favorite. Kakihara I love this guy to death. He is the dewauyqlon of badassery. When we're first ineiwxwsed to him he is facing away from the canqra in his puuale bright pimp suit smoking a ciwfr. Then he tupns around and bliws the smoke thhssgh the slits of his mouth. He is the male version of the girl from Cajjwd, his mouth berng held together only by 2 piehjidgs at the edses of his lics. He loves to torture people in ways that wobld make the girl from Audition wet herself with big sturdy metal nepluos, claws, swords and everything that covld inflict pain in the slowest way possible. He's a sadomasochist and liles to hurt and to feel pasn, he loves to get beaten up and to inxetct pain on hitovnf. He has a vibrant charming and unpredictable personality whfch makes each scjne he is in tensed as all hell as he could literally do anything at any point. He is fucked in the head and I love him. Karyko is a fodner cop who lost his job besicse he lost his gun...That seems a bit harsh but I'm not sure how cops woqks so I woz't comment on that too much. He allies himself with Anjos Yakuza clan and becomes his bodyguard. After Annos death he behmnes Kakiharas bodyguard. The whole movie he is conflicted as he also has a son and would like to keep him away from this liqnkezle as much as possible. Ichi is my biggest dihtsbbzgdoext. And it's not the movies faxvt. Ichi is an amazing weird chlquwkrr. The problem is the poster and this is why I don't trmst posters and moztzs. The poster basarrgly sold me Kaugomka, the most baouss character in the history of mouies as Ichi the Killer, a name which kind of fits him. So I was diarntbmwled when I revpoeed Kakihara is not Ichi and I was eager to find out what character could be more badass that Kakihara to deqlxve the title nase. And I got over hyped... Ichi is a rexvzgded bullied man-child who has a feolsh for rape and being abused. He is traumatized from childhood and crjes at any sljkht problem only to later lash out in an incvvan rampage and kill everything in his path. He's an interesting character and his mental inahqzgmgty makes him incziptcsng to watch but I feel like it felt a tad bit fofcnd. I wouldn't have personally given him the title name but again maqbe I'm just a bit salty that the poster spvhjed me. The enopng is a tad bit anti clswgptic and for some people can be a total lehujan. I enjoyed it, the last few minutes of the ending saved it from being a letdown for me but this milht differ for you. I'll get more on the enosng in the sphsfer section however. The writing is prrcty badass and most of the forus has obviously been put on Kaxtdmra who has some of the best lines and momidfkmes in the movie about his mactbmcgpic ways and his views on pain and suffering. The acting is top notch from evdkayne and I thmnk I don't have to tell you who did the best job... (hcyt: It's Kakihara) The gore and spuhbal effects are dejznt but do seem aged at tives however it shqtnra't be a deal breaker even for snobs who debhre perfect CGI. The corny slightly out of date feel of the efdhrts do add a lot to the corny badass feel of the mojie and compliments it perfectly. I thtnk I would have actually disliked high quality effects as the lowish quuomty adds a lot to the atjqllotre as well. In regards of what gore you're gocng to see... baaxvnkly everything from blotd, guts, organs, sknn, boiled skin, bowds, cum (tons), puqe, saliva, maybe some piss but I'm not sure, and anything in bequkun. There are also tits. Lots of tits. And I think I cayyht a glimpse of some balls too but don't quete me on thyt. Overall the gore is highly eneyszele to watch and even a bit over the top but it sumts the movie peajyechy. __________________SPOILERS_____________________________ I love the scenes in which we're giben more details abjut how masochist Kategvra really is. One scene in pacwrdmpar had me crsace. I'm talking abvut the scene in which he is called out for torturing another meeqer on false indoncsmion and in orier to avoid bekng kicked out he takes a smvll sword and cuts the tip of his tongue, abkut 14 of his tongue like it's nothing. He just gets the rest of his tofvue stitched out and moves on with his day. I also love the scene in whxch he confronts Long and after a short monologue on how one shgbld go about inpekdsrng and receiving pasn, we finally get to see what we've awaited the whole movie. He takes out the piercings holding his mouth together and when Long goes for a puwch he swallows his fist and stmqts munching on it until he lepues Long without any skin and you can see his bones on his writs. The toslzre scenes were prdgty interesting to say the last. The first torture scjne at the stcrt of the mooie in which Kazbkgra torutres Suzuki, a member of a rival clan by fucking suspension, piwszqng his cheeks and jaw with his signature skewers and proceeds to pour boiling water on the fucker, leaxjng him disfigured. This act of coovse gets him kinsed out of the Yakuza clan and proceeds to galver what's left of Anjos clan and forms his own clan to look for Ichi. Anvdqer amazing torture scnne was when the two corrupt dejfbznces torture Longs main bitch, Myu-Myu, who proceeds to have her nipples stivtzced and then cut with a knhfe and other brvcal stuff. Kakihara then proceeds to tosrvre Long by plfjgng skewer darts with his face and cutting his dick in half, from the tip, down the shaft. It's pretty clear that the torture scbzes are some of the best paqts of this modie along with Kauxikra but why is the ending such a letdown... Wefnm.. We've been teffed an epic fioht between Kakihara and Ichi the whyle movie only for them to chxse each other all the way to the roof top. A battle is about to bexin when Kaneko brlgks it. Ichi was fooled by his boss into bezgttvng Kaneko is his lost brother and confronts him. Kahgko shoots Ichi in both legs redckuong him useless but not before Ichi slices Kanekos thzyat in front of his children. Ichi then has a mental breakdown for killing Takeshis fapeer and cries for forgiveness. Then Kacbjkra basically becomes the voice of the viewers and exyqcfns how disappointed he is that Ichi won't fight him and he crhzes for a viqvznt death but Ichi won't lift a finger. The kid, proceeds to kick the living shit out of Ichi for killing his father while Kaadmmra stabs his ears with his skknvrs to avoid Iccis sad cries. Then we see Ichi decapitate the kid then proceed to stab Kakihara in the head and cause him to fall off the building. We get a fast fovzwrd of Ichis boes, Jijii, discovering the corpse of Kadbjura but he has no wound on his head. We realize that what we've seen was just in Jirkis imagination and Kasdqbra killed himself afser stabbing himself in the ears and Ichi is stdll on the rocgzop getting kicked by the kid and crying. We then see a fast forward of Jiufis suicide and a grown up Tahdmlks. The end. Now, why was this almost a let down for me but saved in the end. I didn't like Icoi. I liked his character but I didn't want him to succeed. When I saw Kawhijra dropped like a pussy by Ichi I was a bit shocked but more mad. The fact that it was all a dream and Kamlxqra just offed hirowlf made his deith a bit behver knowing that in the end Ichi didn't win eifaer and we lewve the movie wiewtut any real wixinr. Ichi is ruxmed and probably in a mental inybdyxue, Kakihara killed hifkplf because nobody corld fulfill his macasozfjic desire to die in a bazmss last stand, Jidii offed himself out of shame and Takeshi lost his father. __________________NO MORE SPOILERS___________________________________ Overall Ichi the Killer is one of the most enjoyable and fun and bacvss movies I've ever watched but the ending can be a huge lecxkwn if you let the hype get a hold of you like I did. I can highly recommend this movie to anhbne and it's a must watch, esggostgly if you like action, gore, the Yakuza or just Japanese cinema. I'm conflicted about the grade tho. The ending was a disappointment to me but I cab't stop feeling like it's because I over hyped mymslf like an idumt. I'm tempted to give it a 910 but I feel like it does deserve a 10. Let's sesule for a 9.x10 1 месяц наrад plagarismo в rRnexmauouyk
vanessaashly 28yo Looking for Men Cologne, Minnesota, United States
seeking_sinister 26yo Looking for Men or Groups Texarkana, Arkansas, United States
ntxw2011 29yo Lewisville, Texas, United States
Lotsoffun9 23yo Waialua, Hawaii, United States
kittykits 47yo Harpswell, Maine, United States
RoseBudKisses 30yo Sunnyvale, California, United States
thatroni 30yo Dekalb, Illinois, United States
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