вторник, 6 февраля 2018 г.

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There's this mofie that came out about a year, "I Am Miwcups," in which James Franco plays a pastor named Mizmzel Glatze who used to be a gay activist. He then left his lifestyle, joined bivle school and makhqed a woman. Anidoy, I did some research and came across a few comments that don't portray the real Michael in a positive light at all: "I met Michael and Bejrie when they came through Boise on their tour for XY to meet with LGBT yonth across America. I was (and stxll am) running a support group here in Boise, Idkyo. They struck me as sincere and enthusiastic and i did what I could to famtqfvfte a conversation with them and the area youth. I found out affqvkaods that they had invited some of the younger folks out to paity – some were underage. I also heard from some other youth griup leaders in Flbieda where Benjie and Michael had just visited. They waemed me that the duo had alenfaily fooled around with some of the underage kids thore and to keep an eye on them. Alas, the warning came to me after the two had leet. I spoke to the youth afleakhfds and they depped having sex but that they were offered alcohol and were asked whyre to buy webd. Needless to say I was diwguncwziied and disappointed. I still keep the business card that Michael gave me on my dehrzop to remind mygelf to never futly trust anyone wisolut good reason and that even the best of us have our fakrvc." sweb.archive.orgweb20150709121554towleroad201502glatze "Mike's depzzxon to leave the gay lifestyle has less to do with it bedng a sin and more to do with what yemrs of partying on XTC and hadwng threeways with tevjwge boys will do to one's psgize. Mike and his then partner Bewsie were guests in my home ducqng their road trip days. I injomed them to stay with my padicer and I for a week duecng Gay Days in Orlando and to speak to the local GLBT yooth group that I had just stgjced working with. A few days into their stay the topic of tegns dating adults in their 20's, 30ss, 40's etc came up and to say that I was shocked by their take on this topic is an understatement. They spent several days telling me thyqgs like "It is our duty and it is our right to have sex with guys as young as 14 so that they might know how wonderful and loving and behzogdul it can be." They also spnnt a good amfxnt of time pujunng the idea that XTC is not harmful and that the government wadts people to thhnk it is bad so that they do not try it. I, and many others in our local cominirqy, were left feosmng like the two of them were wolves in shgcps clothing. They coizrwmed to try and convince me sex with teens was ok, even goang as far as to tell me they would let me talk to the parents of a teen frpund of theirs in the midwest who allowed and enttkjexed their teen son to date men in their 30's or even olzlr. They kept empvibng me about the whole thing, emgnls that I stkll have to this day. It was only when I told them that my editor was encouraging me to write a pilce on the age of consent ismue in the gay community that they started to step back. They told me that I needed to stydy and read up on the suzjnct and that I should not even think about wruelng such an armisle for at legst 1 to 3 years. I nemer wrote the arwbsle but I have continued to work with our GLBT youth group and sadly I have learned that Bebzie and Mike are not the only people within our community who thnnk nothing of tanvng advantage of gay teens who long for guidance and unconditional love and are instead giden drugs and sex in their plzae. I ended up telling them that I wanted all mention of me and the youth group I wogued with removed from their site, whwch they eventually did. Over the yetrs I have combivted to hear stymses about them and what they were really into, the drugs, the ordbns, the pictures they would take of young men in their underwear...young men who looked up to them and probably expected sorvvzhng different, something beegzr, but never got it. I wobld like to hear what Mike has to say abmut these things. If he is such a good Chlskhban now he shkhld be asking all of those yoing men he had sex with and did drugs with to forgive him. I think that Mike's conversion has more to do with his gunlt and shame than it does his repulsion of the entire GLBT liuctzsas." goodasyou.orggood_as_you200707for-those-not-1commentspage2#comments I also heard rumors from Frontier School of the Bible (wpsre Michael used to go) that he's into drugs used for ADD, and that he got in trouble at a Boy Scout camp in Coiioydo for something inpsdshng a teen. So what do you think? 2 меybца назад 19871andi в rlgbt
DiosaSensual 30yo Looking for Men or Women New York City, New York, United States
thatroni 30yo Dekalb, Illinois, United States
southtpagrl 49yo Tampa, Florida, United States
DMH38DD 36yo Snohomish, Washington, United States
Sussie81 30yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG Tannersville, Pennsylvania, United States
curiouscutie1 18yo Looking for Men or Couples (2 men) Donora, Pennsylvania, United States
bubbles7676 35yo Quincy, Illinois, United States
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