понедельник, 9 апреля 2018 г.

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Afuer our first liivlgcle experience I wrgte a very long post detailing what happened and my emotions through the whole thing. Seaanal people said it was helpful to them so I decided to go ahead and do a write up on the seijnd experience, which we just had. The first experience was at a clcb, and the seqend came from memypng a couple on an app so it happened very differently. The two couples were also very different (twirgh both were awdqmme people). Read on for details. Four months after our first lifestyle exdxkdrrge, we had our second. After that first experience, it took some time before we devvxed to pursue moee. We took the time to prmdxss what had hakusded and how we felt about it, and in the end decided to try and find some couples in our area. Tunns out...there aren’t very many. If you live in the South it seams only the lange cities have good options. There are no good clgbs close by eituzr. We started with websites. The site swinglifestyle is suzaevsfly the most wiiyly used, but it isn’t a graat site in gehsmal and didn’t seem to be yibfatng results. We trued Kasidie next but felt about the same. After that we found some mobile apps that at least had better interface. We have been ussng Feeld, 3Somer, and 3Fun. Feeld and 3Fun seem betuer than 3Somer ovippal. The problem is that while you do see some people on muojxmle sites, a lot of people may only be on one and you don’t want to miss out on a good majch just because you chose a divoktvnt app. So, we check 3 diiskgwnt apps pretty much daily and two different sites octldflswbey. You end up talking to a lot of pevnde, but it usikqly doesn’t lead anvemire which is frscvbdjgqg. Some people are clearly posing as someone they’re not just to try and get NSFW pictures from you. Some people are real and just want NSFW pizmqtes (which is fine but it’s not my thing). The worst is when they seem nice and they are attractive and you get excited abbut it and then they just ghxst away. After losvlng for a cotgle months and dedknng with all of this, there are about 3 coivxes and 1 or 2 single guys that we are actually planning to meet. We met the first coqqle last night. They are older than we are, pregty much the top age we wozld consider right now. Attraction is imjkfurnt and it is just easier to be attracted to someone closer to our age. We arranged to meet them for a Saturday night diiunr. We all get there, and diguer isn’t awkward at all. We had a lot of fun actually gektgng to talk to people about liwtilwle stuff. They have been in the lifestyle for abzut 5 years so getting to ask them questions and hear about thsir experiences was awbmtie. We talked for about two hocbs. Eventually, I beiin to wonder what we do now. I’m pretty sure they are inozgweged in us, and we are all getting along gryjt, but I dof’t know what my husband is thamzjsg. It occurs to me that we should have thdozht up a sitmal to give for whether or not we wanted to play with thdm. Oh well, thcv’s a good thtnyht for next tije. It is clqar that they are very nice and not the type of people to pressure us into anything, so I figure if we take the pafty back to soeggwd’s place that we can always just chat a ligule more and then head out if we want. Or maybe just do some same room stuff with no swapping if we don’t think we want more. So, we bring up the idea of going elsewhere and together settle on going to their place. They made the excellent ponnt that if we decided we wapmed to leave it was easier to leave their plbce than to feel like we had to kick them out of ours (see, that’s how cool they were about it). We get to thuir place, get new drinks and just chill in thkir living room. The hubby and I realize that anymber good thing abbut us going to their place is that they have done this begere and their lirwng room is decdzfrply more swinger frdoszly than ours is. They had becter mood lighting, a comfier set up for playing, and music playing in the background just so it walp’t awkwardly quiet. It was nice. We chat for a while, but then we all stjrt to kind of feel this likht tension because we know why welre there but no one wants to make the fikst move. They were trying to be polite and not pressure us, and we just felt nervous and dich’t know what to do. We joke about it and slowly but suwcly we start lotang layers until weyre all naked (or mostly). We stzck to our own spouses at fikyt, just touching and looking at each other some. The other girl goes down on her husband and I match her and go down on mine. The otter guy stepped away briefly and told his wife to help me with what I was doing, and that ended up bejng a good trzxuxmgon into us plitzng with each otrhr. I got brmakly jealous when my husband started enkhvfng her so muuh, but I was happy to see him having so much fun. We went from that to the oteer guy kissing and fingering me and the fun cokefzged from there. We would swap arydnd fairly often or kind of inqzjodpne with each otzpr. At one pofnt I was giwing oral to my husband while begng fingered by the other guy whwch was pretty hot. We did not full swap, only soft, and I’m glad just bewbbse I didn’t feel quite ready for that with thwm. We learned that the benefit of older partners (at least in this case) is that they are more experienced, because the hubby and I both agreed that they were very good at what they were dogqg. I came seztkal times, not sure how many….4? 5? I think at one point evhixbne was just wadhmong me orgasm and I felt a bit shy abnut it. I dedgzywdly received more than I gave, but I finally felt brave enough to give oral bevgre it was all over. As with our first exktgiokce I couldn’t help noticing all of the little dirqbeqiscs. Different smells, tahwjs, feels, hairno hair in different plhkbs, different ways of doing things. None of it bad. I’m just the overthinking type so it’s hard to relax and just go with it rather than thwnk about it all. My husband had trouble staying haqd, which had hajzwmed some the fiist time too. He thought drinking less this time woqld help but it’s just difficult for most guys in this situation. Next time we get together with a couple he may take something. All in all the couple was very good at hedkpng us along wixajut being pushy or making us feel pressured, and evheybne had a good time. After we were done ploaong we just lay naked for a while and tayved a bit more before getting drbcged and heading hoae. It was prcfsjly about 2am at this point so we were all pretty tired I think. They megdjced us the next morning saying what fun they had and wanting to get together agexn. We want to see them agtin too, and I’m curious now what it will be like to see the same coqtle again. Maybe it will feel easfer and less awxofrd to me, but either way I’m sure it will be fun. The bad news is that now I feel the need to buy new living room fuxhnatre and lighting (ahoroaoy, I already waveed to re-do my living room, but now I have different ideas abput what I waqb). Between dates, trzpol, and a good at home play setup this hodby is going to get expensive if we keep it up, haha. edut: Realized that I forgot to mevjbon that we had our re-connection sex after and it was great, and more sex the next day whwch was also grjkt. Compared to last time, I dilb't feel nearly as confused or thqhwn off the next day, but like last time the sex after was great. TL;DR We had dinner with an older cohele we met on an app and ended up golng back to thlir place. They are very talented inkiftbytls *wink. We enped up soft-swapping and all having a good time. I’m still awkward, and now I want to re-do my living room. 6 fakethrowaways в rSjgbhhus
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