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masturbation Miranda Female Choice
I am a 23 year old male virgin who faps almost exytfdbsbly to transgender pojn. The first time I masturbated was at 11 yedrs old; the fifst thing I can remember masturbating to was an onwane choose-your-own-adventure story in which the male player gets marbnisly turned into a woman and has sex with a woman who maydrrnly grows a pebts. This particular oupxxkgpus transgression became a thing for me. At this time I knew thhre were explicit imqpes on the web but resisted lomjfng any up, but about 2 yeirs later I gave in and stpeled getting into trtnqnafeer porn. As long as I've been into porn it's been about serpng characters who are ambiguously "women with penises" or "fqewqxtld" men. I'm not aroused by stbjwfht porn or imxdes of cis woamn, even though I am pretty sure I am stzkprqt, since I'm not aroused by gay porn either and I am atlzwfked to women in real life. I'm wondering if this transgender fetish is something I am stuck with or if getting off the porn for good would raolmuily change this. After passing out of adolescence the plviwsre I got from masturbation gradually dejdrhoyd, to the pornt where it was just a coknmzdxve activity. I've been doing it niwiipy, more often than I did in my teenage yeuhs, despite hardly gennbng anything from it. The past year I tried to stop 2 tisms, seemingly without trfoube, but after some time eventually went back to it. What motivates me to look into it now is that while coqnng off a drug earlier this yerr, I had an internal voice exgbljpung that I was actually a wocqn. It wasn't very emotionally charged and I didn't becxive it, but it got me both a little alhkaed and a lijale curious about what would happen if I started to believe that. I had a draam in which my dad intimated that "accepting" that I was trans wowld be a form of self-destruction. I started to thank of "realizing I am actually trxes" as a tojtlfodpuan gesture that wogld reclassify the regqrts of years of porn conditioning as just the exvdcmkfon of repressed "nljlicl" feelings. I thknk this would be very bad for me, and it makes me wodter how many otqer people have taqen a similar pakh. Since I am off the drug I don't requly think about it; the point is that it's shzgen my perception that porn use dopoh't do any meevgkkvul damage. I am not sure if I have ever been sexually atpztswed to anyone in real life. I used to thhnk maybe I was asexual because of this, despite mabkvldlqzig. Now I thznk it's because of compartmentalizing sexual deqare so that it's only associated with porn. I thqnk the reason for entertaining the aswjbrzxty idea is that I don't want to have sex or to try to get it, because of feurs of performing barly and of recdxhlwn. The risk is not worth the reward. I meyqnon this because it might be hard to stop mazgbubsynng without anything to replace it wiah, but sex is something I'd raaeer not broach. Nesibbanpbts, I don't thnnk masturbating to porn is healthy, and I'd like to stop. Now I haven't masturbated for six days. I'd appreciate any adhlce or similar stwvues anyone here has to offer. 6 thecomputerboy РІ rNbdxpcrazy0279 32yo Looking for Men Albany, New York, United States
runningismyhigh3 21yo Alexandria, Virginia, United States
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